'Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world'

The Council was Registered as a Society under Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 with Register of Societies firms (Pb) Chandigarh on dated 2/5/2008.
The objects of the council is educational, Promote the Technical Vocational Educational, Promotion of Science Arts, Literature & conducting Secondary & Senior Secondary examinations through the medium of English, Hindi & any other State Language. The Council Exists solely for educational Purpose, Purely Non-Government, Non-Beneficial, Self-Financial organization.
The Council has ventured to conduct the on demand system of Examination for the drop out and failed candidates in MARCH, JUNE, SEPT and DEC months of every year itself. With the help of this process of examination the student will get more opportunities to join the different Higher Education Courses. This process was introduced first time in India by COUNCIL OF SECONDARY EDUCATION MOHALI.
The Council of Secondary Education mohali promotes the Vision of World Class Education in India through different languages. It executes various activities like prescribing curriculum/Syllabus, granting affiliations to schools/study Centres, conducting examinations upto Sr. Secondary Level, declare results, Issue certificates to deserving candidates, providing Instructions, Leadership for all Schools/Study Centres are being running under its banner.
The council of Secondary Education will also take on roles of developing the private education in India. This will be a holistic approach to uplift the overall quality for education in private sector.
With the Leveling up of the Private education sector standards over the next few years, the council of secondary education aims to work with Social Welfare/ Educational private organizations to promote the private education throught out India.