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High Court Order of Kohima Bench

Approval letter from Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai.


Acceptance Letter to CSE Mohali From Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli.

Letter from Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu.

Letter from Periyar University, Salem.

Letter from the Institute of Road Transport, Chennai.

Recognition with BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, Tamil Nadu

Office Order/Authority letter from Commissionerate of College Education Rajasthan, Jaipur

Article 351 in the Constitution of India

Regarding Equivalency with Chhattisgarh Council of School and Professional Education.

Regarding Equivalency with JAMIA DINIYAT(URDU) DEOBAND

Honorable Supreme Court of India Expunge the all Orders against CSE Mohali Passed by Punjab & Haryana High Court.

List of National Coordinators.


T.M.A Pai Vs Union of India ( Order of Supreme Court of India )


Our Banks.

Curriculum for Secondary School Education.

Curriculum for Senior Secondary School Education.

Norms of affiliation, Rules & guidelines to Conduct public Examinations.

Vocational Courses

S.No. Name of the Course Duration
1. Office Secretary Ship 1 year
a. Office Practice and Secretary Ship
b. Secretariat Practice & Accounting
c. Office Communication

2. Automobile Technology
a. Auto Engineering
b. Auto Shop Repair and Practice
Additional Subject Optional
1.Applied Physics
2.Civil Engineering

3. Textile Design Dyeing & Printing
a. Textile Science
b. Basic Design
c. Dyeing & Printing

4. Electronics Technology 2 years
a. Electronic Devices and Circuits
b. Radio Engineering and Audio Systems
c. Television and Video Systems
Additional Subject Optional
1.Electrical Engineering
2.Civil Engineering

5. Library Management
a. Library admn. & Management
b. Classification and Cataloguing
c. Reference Service

6. Banking
a. Cash Management and House Keeping
b. Lending Operations
c. Management of Bank Office

7. Medical Laboratory Technology
a. Laboratory Machine(Clinical Pathology,Hematology
& Histopathology)
b. Clinical Biochemistry
c. Microbiology

8. Bakery and Confectionery
a. Food Service & Hygiene
b. Bakery Science
c. Confectionery

9. Transportation System & Management

10. Marketing and Salesmanship
a. Marketing
b. Salesmanship
c. Consumer Behaviour and Protection

11. Horticulture
a. Vegetable Culture
b. Floriculture
c. Post Harvest Technology and Preservation

12. X-Ray Technician
a. Radiation Physics
b. Radiography I(General)
c. Radigraphy II(Special Investigation,imaging
and Radiography)

13. IT Application 2 years
a. IT System
b. Business Data Processing
c. DTP,CAD and Multimedia

14. Stenography $ Computer Application 1 year
a. Typewriting(English)
b. Stenography(English)
c. Typewriting(Hindi)
d. Stenography(Hindi)

15. Health Care and Beauty Culture 1 year
a. Beauty Therapy and Hair Designing-II
b. Cosmetic Chemistry
c. Yoga Anatomy and Physiology

16. Hotel Management and Catering Technology 1 year
a. Food Preparation-II
b. Accomodation services
c. Food & Beverage Service-II

17. Poultry Farming
a. Poultry Nutrition & Physiology
b. Poultry Products Technology
c. Poultry Diseases & their Control

18. Dairying 1 year
a. Milk and Milk Products
b. Milk Production,Transport and Milk Cooperatives
c. Dairy Plant Instrumentation

19. Food Service & Management 1 year
a. Advanced Food Preparation
b. Meal Planning & Service
c. Establishment & Management of Food Service Unit

20. Life Insurance
a. Principles Practice of Life Insurance
b. Computer & Life Insurance Administration

21. Electrical Technology 2 years
a. Engineering Science
b. Electrical Machines
c. Electrical Appliances
Additional Subject Optional
1.Applied Physics
2.Mechanical Engineering

22. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology 2 years
a. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration-III
b. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration-IV
Additional Subject Optional
1.Applied Physics
2.Civil Engineering

23. Tourism and Travel
a. India-The Tourist Destination
b. Travel Trade Management
c. Tourism Management and Man-Power Planning

24. Ophthalmic Techniques
a. Biology(Ophthalmic)
b. Optics
c. Ophthalmic Techniques

25. Accountancy and Auditing
a. Financial Accounting
b. Elements of Cost accountancy & Auditing
Additional Subject Optional
1.Store Accounting
2.Type Writing

26. Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery
a. Fundamentals of Nursing II
b. Community Nursing II
c. Maternity & Child Health Nursing II

27. Structure and Fabrication Technology
a. Fabrication Technology-II
b. Fabrication Technology-III
Additional Subject Optional
1.Applied Physics
2.Civil Engineering

28. Fashion Design & Clothing Construction 1 year
a. Textile Science
b. Designing & Pattern Making
c. Clothing Construction

29. Financial Market Management
a. Accounting for Business-1 CLASS XI
b. Introduction to Financial Market-1 CLASS XI
c. computer Applications in Financial Markets CLASS XI
d. Accounting for Business-2 CLASS XII
e. Introduction to Financial Markets-2 CLASS XII
f. Business Process Outsourcing Skills CLASS XII

30. Beauty Therapy and Hair Designing
a. Manage and maintain the salon,health , hygiene & beauty care
b. Perform message therapy,basic &treatment facials,manicure &pedicures
c. Perform make up,hair care & designing
d. Development of professionalism & entrepreneurship
e. Practical
f. Viva

Notice Board

  • De-Affiliated Study Center
    This is to inform to whom so ever it may concern that ,the HANUMANGARH PUBLIC SCHOOL HANUMANGARH Plot No: 214, Ward No:38,Sector-9 EXT, Hanumangarh Junction, Hanumangarh (Raj.) has been de-affiliated by the Council of secondary education and has been declared as BLACK LISTED
  • Cancellation of Admission & Refund Policy
    This is to inform all that the fees submitted to the Counicl of Secondary Education for the Registration is neither refundable nor adjustable under any circumstances in future.

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