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High Court Order of Kohima Bench

Approval letter from Tamil Nadu Open University, Chennai.


Acceptance Letter to CSE Mohali From Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli.

Letter from Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu.

Letter from Periyar University, Salem.

Letter from the Institute of Road Transport, Chennai.

Recognition with BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY, Tamil Nadu

Office Order/Authority letter from Commissionerate of College Education Rajasthan, Jaipur

Article 351 in the Constitution of India

Regarding Equivalency with Chhattisgarh Council of School and Professional Education.

Regarding Equivalency with JAMIA DINIYAT(URDU) DEOBAND

Honorable Supreme Court of India Expunge the all Orders against CSE Mohali Passed by Punjab & Haryana High Court.

List of National Coordinators.


T.M.A Pai Vs Union of India ( Order of Supreme Court of India )


Our Banks.

Curriculum for Secondary School Education.

Curriculum for Senior Secondary School Education.

Norms of affiliation, Rules & guidelines to Conduct public Examinations.

Aims & Objectives

  1. To promote literacy and research and to work for the welfare of mankind without distinction of caste creed of religion and also for the poor especially those belonging to scheduled castes and backward classes by opening, running, helping and or assisting schools, colleges, Training Centers, vocational, Technical and Industrial Institutions or Centres, Orphanages, Dharamsalas or Gurudwaras, Hospitals, Laboratories, Nursing Homes, Libraries Cultural, Social and Research Centres, and institutions and to carry out any other similar objects of public utility.
  2. To propagate the idea of service to humanity by establishing and maintaining Homes, Dispensaries, Langars and schools for the blind, deaf and dumb etc.
  3. To Plant the trees in the adjoining area of the school for the better environment of the school premises
  4. To promote and propagate the case of literacy and welfare of society in general with special emphasis on education and health care of the underprivileged, poor children and women.
  5. To assist, finance, support and/ or aid or help in education, medical treatment, vocational guidance and training of the underprivileged persons.
  6. To grant, pay or give scholarship, stipends prizes, rewards, allowances and other financial assistance or help in cash or kind to students with a view to help them in prosecuting their studies in schools, college, educational institutions, technical and medical institutions, art schools and other training, research, or educational works in India or abroad.
  7. To promote, organize, assist, administer, establish, support, maintain and/or grant aid to any person or institution or society or organization whatsoever having for its objects charitable purpose and to incur expenditure in connection therewith.
  8. To take over or other in o any agreement with, any charitable trust, existing school(s) properties, movable or immovable, with or without its liabilities and to carry on its activities as defined under the main objects.
  9. To receive moneys and donations, any type of financial assistance, from any individual institutions, trust corporate etc. to fulfill the aims and objects of the society.
  10. To supervise the schools run by the council or affiliated to the council.
  11. To direct the schools to upload, keep and maintain the standard of education and to obey the conditions imposed by the Educational Authorities of the state and the Center from time to time.
  12. To DE-affiliated the schools which fails to maintain the standard of education as directed by the council. 
  13. To provide the basis amenities, financial aids to the schools affiliated, run or controlled by the council and to act as an supervisory authority.

Notice Board

  • De-Affiliated Study Center
    This is to inform to whom so ever it may concern that ,the HANUMANGARH PUBLIC SCHOOL HANUMANGARH Plot No: 214, Ward No:38,Sector-9 EXT, Hanumangarh Junction, Hanumangarh (Raj.) has been de-affiliated by the Council of secondary education and has been declared as BLACK LISTED
  • Cancellation of Admission & Refund Policy
    This is to inform all that the fees submitted to the Counicl of Secondary Education for the Registration is neither refundable nor adjustable under any circumstances in future.

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